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King Boris the First

Or: How to Become Monarch of a Landlocked European Microstate

One-act play by Jacob Iglitzin


This play details the remarkable true story of Boris Skossyreff (1896–1989), the mysterious Lithuanian-born émigré, adventurer, and international con man who, in July 1934, proclaimed himself king of the Principality of Andorra (a small nation between France and Spain).


Staged reading (Nov. 20, 2023): Lin-Manuel Miranda Studio, Eugene O'Neill Theater Center (Waterford, CT) as part of "Playwrights and Librettists Week" of the National Theater Institute.

Directed by Caleb Lee

Featuring: Sven Stenroos, Morgan Loos, Lane Welty, Cate Fado-Bristow, Elissa Dynes

Boris Skossyreff: adventurer, swindler, and self-declared King of Andorra.

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